Friday, May 29, 2009

I heart esthero

Shame on me for not listening to my favorite artist, hero, poet, lady in these recent months. I've come to realize how much her music is so much a part of me. I've been on the downlow for quite some time and am ready to start to share some of myself again more and more.
Ms. E has started a blog and it wooooonnnnnnnnnnddddderful!
it has a mix of fashion, story telling, humor all the good shit.
My new favorite posting is of a section called Esthero Asks
and she sent her mom 15 questions. In this entry you can really see where Esthero gets her beauty and the gift of the written word from. amazing.
you can also check her out on
you can find some new trax she had been working on

And here:

Her name comes from Slyvia Path's "The Bell Jar" which was turned into a movie and the last line of the movie
the main character, "Esther" says ""If I am to be the hero, then I cannot fly from darkness.

I think that will be my inspiration for my next tattoo - just as reminder to my heart. 

There are only a certain number of musicians that have a piece of my heart and a forever place in the history of me and she is definitely one of them.

p.s if anyone knows where i can find Esthero on Vinyl Let me know!

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