Sunday, February 24, 2008

ahh man:(

i was soo excited to come home and mess with my studio lights now that everything has settled down. I finally am getting the hang of my new job. I am getting used to maryland and getting familiar with the streets and where to go. I even took a little trip to target and ikea to treat our new place with plenty of nice things.(I'll post pics when we are all done** 
I got my softbox out. Broke out with my old mamiya trl and guess what. my POWER PACK isn't working!!!! Ahhhhh AND novatron is closed until tomorrow. I hate when things like this happens. I want answers right away so i can get to work. i think its my OCD/ADD. fuck!
anyways. above is a cute pic of what our room looks like so far.
we even buckled down and got a coool lamp that looks like a futuristic lotus. sooo sweet. 
Me and lucas spent the weekend indulging. we also bought "No Reservations"
It made me dream about how I still really would like to open a restaurant. Food and the art of it is something that will always make me glow. We had a lot of interesting conversations in our slightly beer buzzed stupor. Life, the HISTORIC ELECTION. Love, our future. This year is about putting all goals into play. I got to thinking about my family back home. Because previously, my sisters have always been a part of my plans. every victory or failure I would celebrate or laugh off with a wonderful meal. soo i asked him, How do you move on? How do you move on from missing them soo much? I told him, its like Its something that i cannot wrap my head around. Living my life without my sisters is like living a whole new life completely. and I can't see my future without them. I don't want to forget how they look like, or how they are. Especially how weird and funny they are**But I also feel if i don't let go, my pain from missing them will never subside. hopefully one of these days i'll figure it out. I can't wait til May. It is my birthday month. The sun will be shining AND it will be a good time to visit back home or THEY can visit me. stinkers.
have a good week everybody:)<3
peace and blessings.

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